Maintenance Plan or Warranty: How Do They Compare?

The condition of your HVAC system is important to your comfort and safety throughout the year. Maintenance plans and warranties are available to protect your HVAC system, but how do you know which one to choose? There are several key differences between each of these protection options that help you understand the value of each of them.
What Is a Maintenance Plan?
An HVAC maintenance plan allows you to have an experienced technician come to your home for complete maintenance on an annual basis.
Benefits of a Maintenance Plan
Maintenance plans offer a wide range of benefits including:
- Cleaning of the system - Dirt can cause clogs and negatively impact the efficiency of a heating or cooling system. Blockages can even cause permanent damage.
- Reduced utility bills - An HVAC system will run more efficiently when it's consistently and properly maintained.
- Reduced HVAC service fees - HVAC companies generally offer a discount to customers who have a maintenance plan.
- Priority appointments - If you experience an emergency related to your HVAC system, you'll be placed at the top of the list when it comes to scheduling appointments.
What Is a Warranty?
An HVAC warranty covers certain types of damage to an HVAC system. If your system requires repairs because of damage that's covered under the warranty, you may be eligible for a replacement.
Benefits of a Warranty
Most HVAC systems come with a limited warranty upon purchase. There may be extended warranties available that offer coverage for a longer amount of time. The benefits of a warranty for your HVAC system include:
- A complete replacement of your HVAC system - This only applies if you have a serious problem with your HVAC system, and only certain types of damage are covered. It can be difficult to convince the manufacturer that the damage that your HVAC system has sustained is covered.
Warranties do offer some protection, but ongoing maintenance is needed.
For professional HVAC maintenance plans performed by experienced heating and cooling experts, contact Apollo Home Heating, Cooling and Plumbing to schedule an appointment today. We proudly serve homeowners throughout the greater Cincinnati area.
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