15 Steps to a Furnace Inspection
Most HVAC companies suggest tune ups on your heating equipment, but what exactly is included in a heating tune up? First let us emphasize the importance of regular maintenance, it's like having oil changes in your cars, the better care you take of the equipment, the longer it will last, so don't wait, call us today at (513) 268-8400 to schedule your tune up for only $149.00 before your system breaks down with no warning and leaves you in the cold.
Our technicians will perform the following 15 step furnace evaluation to ensure your equipment is ready to tackle the bouts of old man winter:
- Test and adjust safety and operating controls
- Test gas valve or oil pump operation
- Inspect for combustion leaks
- Test and tighten all wiring and connections
- Conduct carbon monoxide testing
- Adjust and clean thermostat
- Inspect heat exchanger and clean burner(s)
- Adjust burner(s) for maximum efficiency
- Inspect flue pipe and draft diverter or barometric damper
- Adjust and clean electrode or pilot assembly
- Check blower motor (and belt if applicable)
- Drain expansion tank or install customer-supplied air filter
- Replace oil filter and nozzle or test and adjust pressure regulator
- Lubricate all motors, bearings, fans and circulators
- Inform you, our customer, of equipment condition and provide a printed report for your use
We also offer 15 point evaluations on your cooling and plumbing systems, so schedule yours today!